JOIN TODAY! Manage My Plan Family Plans Benefits FAQs
Monthly Plans provide the best value & member benefits in Pierce County! Membership with any plan includes:
–> Unlimited Washing at 5 Locations
–> FREE Quarterly Bonuses
–> 25% OFF Oil Changes
–> 15% OFF Professional Detailing
NEW: FAMILY PLANS! Add vehicles to your active plan for just $20/mo each! (Click here for more info & enrollment)
IMPORTANT: This is for Washington State memberships only. We are not affiliated with car wash companies located in other states with similar names.
NEW MEMBER SPECIAL: Get your first 30 days for the price of a SINGLE WASH when you join today!
By completing CHECKOUT, you authorize Classy Chassis charge your credit card today for the amount you’ve selected above, and to charge your credit card on a monthly recurring basis for the selected plan’s regular monthly price, and have confirm that you have read and agree to the terms of service.
*Special is for new members only (not valid for transfers or rejoins). Credit card used will be automatically charged next month (and each month thereafter) at the regular monthly price until canceled.
Looking for something a little different? Consider a PrePaid Unlimited Wash Plan! Click here to learn more!